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A revolutionary genre that emerged in the 1950s, Rock'n'Roll brought a new energy to the music scene with a bang. This fusion of blues, rhythm and blues and country music sparked a veritable cultural revolution. Influential labels such as Sun Records, Chess Records and Atlantic Records propelled these artists to the top and laid the foundations for rock 'n' roll as we know it today.
When Rock 'n' Roll burst onto the music scene, visionary artists such as Elvis Presley, the genre's undisputed pioneer, Chuck Berry, with his electrifying guitar riffs, and Little Richard, with his dynamic voice and boundless energy, were the first to lay the foundations of the movement. Britain's iconic The Beatles revolutionised rock music with their innovative pop compositions, while the Rolling Stones, the epitome of rebel rock, brought a raw energy and provocative attitude that would later pave the way for classic and hard rock. These legendary artists shaped the landscape of rock'n'roll, making it a timeless and indelible part of music history.
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